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- Xref: bloom-picayune.mit.edu bit.admin:5 news.answers:4344
- Path: bloom-picayune.mit.edu!enterpoop.mit.edu!linus!agate!usenet.ins.cwru.edu!news.uakron.edu!mcs.kent.edu!news.ysu.edu!psuvm!auvm!jim
- Newsgroups: bit.admin,news.answers
- Subject: NetNews/Listserv Gateway Policy
- Supersedes: <92307.105502JIM@auvm.american.edu>
- Organization: The American University - University Computing Center
- Date: Tue, 1 Dec 1992 17:50:07 EST
- Expires: 10 Jan 1993 00:00:00 GMT
- Followup-To: bit.admin
- Approved: jim@american.edu
- From: Jim McIntosh <jim@american.edu>
- Message-ID: <92336.175008JIM@auvm.american.edu>
- Lines: 159
- Archive-name: bit/policy
- Last-modified: 17 September 1992
- ********************************************************
- *** General Information on Listserv/Netnews gateways ***
- ********************************************************
- This document gives general information on bi-directional (or optionally
- uni-directional) gateways between Listserv and Netnews as implemented in
- Netnews version 2.4 by Linda Littleton at Penn State University. It
- includes guidelines on how to establish a new Listserv/Netnews gateway.
- *** What is Listserv?
- Listserv, which stands for List Server, is a mail list server that runs
- on VM/CMS. It provides "mail-exploding" capabilities so that people with
- a common interest can communicate with each other by sending mail to a
- particular address (one address per Listserv list), which then
- redistributes the mail to each person "subscribed" to the list. Each
- person subscribed to a particular list gets a copy of each piece of mail
- in their mailbox.
- *** What is Netnews?
- Netnews is a bulletin board system in which articles on a variety of
- topics are arranged in "newsgroups" and stored in a shared location from
- which individual users can read them. These newsgroups can be local
- newsgroups, available only at a user's site, or may be shared with other
- sites to form a world-wide bulletin board system called Usenet.
- *** What does the gateway do?
- The gateway software (which is a built-in part of the VM/CMS Netnews
- server from Penn State) puts each piece of Listserv mail for a particular
- list into a corresponding Netnews newsgroup and also sends each
- Netnews-originating posting to the newsgroup back to the Listserv list.
- On a per-group basis, the gateway can be either bi-directional or can be
- uni-directional in either direction. Generally Listserv groups on Netnews
- are given the name bit.listserv.<listname>. When appropriate, the items
- in a Listserv list might also be cross-posted to a "mainstream" Usenet
- group.
- *** Why have a gateway?
- The major reason sites decide to carry gatewayed Listserv lists is so
- their users can read these lists via shared disks, rather than requiring
- each user to receive each item to their mailbox. In addition, the gateway
- gives greater exposure and wider readership to the list since the list
- can be now be read by users at hundreds of Usenet sites.
- *** The gateway can be LOCAL or GLOBAL
- On a per-group basis, the gateway can be either LOCAL (only users on the
- machine where Netnews is running will see the Listserv items) or GLOBAL
- (the Listserv items will propagate to other Usenet sites).
- To avoid problems that can be caused by multiple sites gatewaying the
- same group, we request that only a handful of sites set up global
- gateways and that other sites receive these groups through their normal
- news feeds. If you feel it would be appropriate for your site to be an
- additional global gateway site, then write to NEWS-ADM@AUVM.BITNET or
- news-admin@auvm.american.edu to explain the situation.
- *******************************
- *******************************
- It is important that no more than one site per list set up a GLOBAL
- gateway. If more than one site does a GLOBAL gateway for a particular
- list, the list may get duplicates of some articles. It is the list
- owner's responsibility to make sure there are not multiple global
- gateways for the list and to "signoff" any suspect gateway site should
- problems start to occur. No GLOBAL gateway should ever be established
- without the express permission of the list owner.
- In the event that two sites did set up a global gateway for the same
- list, here is what might happen. If a user anywhere on the net posted an
- article to the group via Netnews and the article found its way to both of
- the global gateway sites, both of these sites would forward the article
- back to the mailing list. The mailing list would therefore receive two
- copies and although Listserv will usually detect the duplicate posting,
- it will return one of the copies to the author with a message saying that
- the post was a duplicate. Since the author only posted once, this will
- cause them some confusion. Also, it is possible that both posts would be
- distributed to the list if software other than Listserv is controlling
- the mailing list. Netnews would not have a problem handling this (since
- it checks message-id's for duplicates), but it is the people who get the
- items in their mailboxes who would see two copies of the article.
- *** Gateway registration
- In order to avoid problems caused by multiple gateways, a "gateway
- registration service" is maintained by news-admin@auvm.american.edu,
- which keeps track of which site is doing global gateways for which which
- groups. A list of these global gateways, their corresponding Listserv
- lists and Usenet newsgroups, and the sites which are acting as global
- gateways is available from listserv@auvm.american.edu. Send the command
- GET NETGATE GATELIST to get a copy of all registered gateways. This file
- is also available via anonymous ftp from auvm.american.edu.
- *** Setting up the gateway.
- The gateway is set up by having the Netnews service machine subscribe to
- the Listserv list in the same way that a subscriber would, but with the
- addition of setting Listserv options FULLHDR (so that message-ids are put
- on messages) and NOFILES (so that non-mail files are not sent).
- *** Guidelines for establishing a Listserv/Netnews gateway.
- It is the responsibility of the person requesting the gateway to do the
- following:
- 1. Get the approval of the Listserv list owner(s) and the Listserv
- administrator at the host node. (Send a "REVIEW listname" command
- to the Listserv at the host node for the names and addresses of
- the list owner(s), and a "RELEASE" command to the same address
- for the Listserv administor's name and address.) Send them each a
- copy of this document. If the list owner or Listserv host
- administrator objects, the gateway is not done.
- 2. Get the approval of the Listserv list readers. This could be done
- somewhat informally by posting to the list and asking if there
- are objections. If the issue was controversial, a formal vote
- should be held according to the same guidelines as for creating a
- new Usenet group. If there was no major dissenting opinion a vote
- will not be needed.
- 3. If there is a Usenet group where crossposting would be logical,
- get the approval of the people who read that group (in the same
- way as approval of the Listserv readers was gotten).
- 4. Post to bit.admin to see if there are any objections. The subject
- of the posting should be "Gateway for <listname> under
- discussion". Explain briefly what the list is for. If you are
- proposing that the list be gated to something besides
- "bit.listserv.<listname>", this should be stated. Again, if there
- was no major dissenting opinion within seven days, a vote would
- not be needed; otherwise a vote would be held.
- Steps 2, 3, and 4 can all be done at the same time.
- 5. Write to news-admin@auvm.american.edu or NEWS-ADM@AUVM.BITNET to
- say that all of the criteria have been met. Indicate the gateway
- site (if you wish some site besides auvm.american.edu to be the
- gateway), Listserv list name, Listserv host node, list owner(s),
- and a short (45 character maximum) description of the list.
- News-admin will establish and/or register the gateway, and then
- post to bit.admin to say that the gateway is operational. The
- subject of the posting will be "Gateway for <listname>
- operational".
- If for some reason you cannot follow the steps outlined here (for
- example, if you do not get the bit groups, so cannot post to bit.admin),
- write to news-admin@auvm.american.edu to explain the situation.
- *** Where to address questions
- Questions about Listserv/Netnews gateways can be posted to bit.admin or
- sent to news-admin@auvm.american.edu or NEWS-ADM@AUVM.BITNET.